Inner Peace?

Peace, tranquility, and serenity will never come from an outer source. They are feelings and states of being generated from within. Feelings of contentment don’t come from achieving goals, buying things, or even experiences. They come from appreciation, gratitude, and acceptance of what already is no matter the situation. When you can sit quietly, observe…

Change Your Life for the Better With 5 Healthy Habits

Does it ever feel like youโ€™re bombarded with complicated health advice from all angles? It can seem like staying healthy requires ample free time and disposable income. Thankfully, implementing basic wellness habits is actually quite simple, and you can prioritize self-care even on a busy schedule with a tight budget.

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No matter where you are right now. Take 1 minute. close your eyes. Think of 3 things you are grateful for in your life. Now take a deep breath. Feel the gratitude in your heart , not just mentally. And…………. open your eyes…. You can now carry on with your day, reset. We have so…

Abundance | Vs. | Lack – A Warning

Universally, there is no such thing as lack. There is enough of everything for everyone. Your feelings and beliefs create your own personal reality.

Life Isnโ€™t a Contest

Keeping up with the Joneses has become a national pass time. Bigger, better, faster, more – we are a living in a consumeristic society. Materialism has taken hold and become a staple especially in the younger generations. How much do you really need and why? Basic needs come down to food and shelter. There are…

Have you fallen out of Gratitude Mode?

I found myself today feeling down in the dumps. Looking at my bills and my overall financial picture and started in on the โ€œif onlysโ€. The fact is that you canโ€™t change past happenings or decisions. You can only go from here.   I feel bad because I donโ€™t feel like I am where I…

Not getting what you want is sometimes a blessing in disguise

Stop for a moment to imagine what your life would be like if you got everything you had ever wanted. At first thought, I am sure that makes you smile pretty widely. I mean, who doesnโ€™t want everything they have ever wanted, right?   I can almost guarantee you donโ€™t.   Think back over the…

How to come from a place of abundance when you have nothing

Article originally Published for : Alberta Street News โ€œThe true measure of a man is how much he would be worth if he lost everything.โ€ โ€“ Unknown. Your worth and value doesnโ€™t come from the car you drive, what you have or where you live. It is inherent, intrinsic, and cannot be taken from you….