Could You Meditate in a Casino?

I actually tried this years back. I don’t enjoy gambling and was at a casino with a friend. As I sat there on a stool, bored out of my mind, I began to stare at the clock. In doing so I realized I was clearing all thought and noise from my mind (even in this…

United We Stand

Red and Blue used to be politically designated party colors. Somewhere along the line they morphed from Republican and Democrat to Bloods and Crypts.Why exactly are we fighting each other all the time when its painfully obvious who the actual enemy is? We are two stripes on the same flag. RED, White, and Blue. Hopefully…

Why Everyone Is So Offended – The Real Deal

I have been puzzled as to why in recent years everyone is so offended by pretty much everything and anything under the sun that we could possibly take issue with and argue about. It isn’t that someone disagrees with them (though yes that at times can be irritating). It’s that people these days stand for causes and…

Urgent Health Warning!

Warning! Do not eat, drink, breathe or touch anything. (that’s a viable solution, right?) We have now identified that the majority of non-organic foods as well as household substances on the planet contain or have been exposed to ingredients that are toxic to your health. The manufacturers know it, and just simply don’t care. So……