The “Now”

If you step back and look at the big world picture right now, events unfolding are not only going to determine who was right but ultimately, who is left. ~ Sarah Barendse 2021

Fire The Grid 2 – Join Us! World Wide

How it all started My name is Samoiya Shelley Yates. In 2002 I drowned with my son in a lake and had a near death experience where I met Light Beings who told me how to miraculously save the life of my son. Later, in 2007, the Light Beings came to me with a project…

A Must Read: Time Moves Quickly.

You know. . . time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years.It seems just yesterday that I was young, just married and embarking on my new life with my mate. Yet in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. I…

Add Decades To Your Life – Watch the Human Longevity Project!

Starting June 19th Revealed Films will be running their feature film “The Human Longevity Project”. You’ve got to see this. New research reveals stunning health outcomes… The NEW truth about health in 2019 Has Modern Medicine Failed You? Did you know that there are populations all over the world that are virtually free of chronic…

Life Isn’t a Contest

Keeping up with the Joneses has become a national pass time. Bigger, better, faster, more – we are a living in a consumeristic society. Materialism has taken hold and become a staple especially in the younger generations. How much do you really need and why? Basic needs come down to food and shelter. There are…

Outgrowing Friendships

In life, there come periods where change is inevitable. Nothing can stay the same forever. That includes our circle of friends. Friendships are based on commonalities, not just whether you like each other or not. When those common interests begin to fall away, it means that growth is happening to one, the other, or hopefully…

Discordant Energy

While friends don’t always need to agree on everything there comes a point in many friendships where there just isn’t enough left in common to maintain the bond. Discord becomes the key element and you find yourself being off-put by that person’s energy rather than drawn in as you used to be. It doesn’t mean…

You know your healed when…

Music is powerful. It’s one of the things on earth that has a profound effect on all of us. Songs have meaning. When we go through a transition in life that is traumatic or painful we often relate to certain songs. They illicit feelings and emotions we may not want to face or deal with….

Directions for a Happy Easy Flowing Life

As humans, I think we have a tendency to over think things. We are so smart, we seem to outsmart ourselves. We spend endless amounts of time pondering rather than feeling our way through things and actually acting on those feelings. Why? I have no idea. Do you? I think it may very well be…

The Art of Non-Attachment

We all want the very best for friends and family. Many of us have a tendency to take on other people’s problems as if they were our own. We do it out of love, but ironically it can often lead to codependency in relationships as well as self-neglect. I speak from experience in this. My…