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Aging Gracefully through Proper Nutrition


While genetics play a large part in how we age, lifestyle and nutrition are also key. There is no one “right diet” for everyone. We are all different and have differing nutritional requirements. A good baseline to start from is to eat a diet filled with wholesome nutrient rich foods.

Organic Vegetables, Fruits, Grass Fed Meats, Nuts, Seeds, and Plenty of Clean non-fluoridated water are the basics. Staying away from processed packaged foods, genetically modified foods, hydrogenated oils, fillers, and preservatives.

Our environment has many pollutants and toxins. From the water that we drink, the air we breathe, chemicals in our personal grooming products, medications we take and alcohol we may drink, to the food we eat – our bodies are constantly in contact and having to filter out all kinds of particles. They can get our delicate systems out of balance causing toxicity levels and nutritional deficiencies.

These deficiencies and toxins over time can cause damage to the structure of the body and deteriorate our health causing us to age at a more rapid rate than otherwise would happen naturally. If left unchecked and uncorrected it can lead to disease and eventually death.

Proper body maintenance over the course of your life can help combat this keeping you in the very best shape and health possible allowing you to live a longer healthier life.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” – Benjamin Franklin had the right idea. It is far easier to maintain and build up over a lifetime than it is to have to try and heal damage already done.

If you are looking for an effective beauty treatment – ditch the lotions, potions, and creams. Beauty radiates from the inside and it is rooted in how you feel. Health is beauty.

Personalized testing and nutritional services are available at Nutritional Specialists of Florida in Bonita Springs, Florida. Give us a call today to see how we can help you age the way it was intended – gracefully.

Nutrition Specialists of Florida can be reached at 239-947-1177 or by going to our contact page and sending an email.

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