Is the Message Finally Getting Through?

As many of you know I walked away from Facebook recently. I simply cannot deal with the bullshit any longer. Being randomly tossed in Facebook Jail for perceived violations that make zero sense when it is an obvious large scale bullying attempt to silence anyone with a non agenda driven opinion of their own is just not ok with me any longer.

I was happy with my decision despite my own admitted Facebook addiction.

Then I had a conversation with a young 20 something girl at a party this past weekend. We had been Facebook friends for a while, though I had never met her. She said she followed my posts and at first thought I was nuts. What I posted went against everything she was being told. It also was often marked as false by the goons other wise known as “fact” checkers which lead her to be even more suspicious of my information.

This was a young lady who had gotten in fairly deep with some very determined characters on the left. To the point that she had made a bullet proof vest and had a sign ready to attend a BLM rally that read “Shoot me”. Picturing this slight pretty girl wearing that and holding that sign upset me greatly. I was very glad her now boyfriend was able to talk her out of this potentially dangerous decision.

Then apparently my posts sparked something in her that caused her to question the narrative as well. She went on to tell me that because of my posts as well as her new boyfriend’s influence she would not be getting vaccinated.

This actually brought tears to my eyes. I was touched that I had been able to help protect someone’s health and potentially their life as well as feeling very grateful that this very nice but very young and naïve woman would not end up suffering badly because of the acceptance of opinions of others no matter how hard they were shoved down her throat.

This does, however, leave me with a bit of a conundrum.
I do not approve of Facebook or their antics. I don’t want to be a part of it any longer.
BUT: If my presence and my thoughts are being read by others outside of those who already see things clearly, maybe I am not simply preaching to the choir? Maybe my presence there is actually needed.

This requires more introspection on my part before moving forward in either direction.
It was heart warming to see someone on the verge of really awakening. I did not push and instead guided and advised her to be very careful who she listens to these days. To do a check in with her own inner guidance and dig and research before coming to any conclusion, even on blogs or posts that I offer up.

Maybe there is a grain of hope left for this next generation…

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